QUICK TIPS: How To Build An Amazing LinkedIn Community In 2022

One of the questions I am most often asked is:

"Lucy, do you accept EVERY LinkedIn connection request you receive?" 

My response is this:

I am a believer in having a LARGE, RELEVANT, AND QUALITY LinkedIn network. 

So when I am sent a connection request, I ask myself this: "Do I honestly think that I will ever work with this person? or do I think that this person could facilitate/influence a commercial opportunity?"

If the answer is YES to one or both questions - I CONNECT. 💡

Now saying that, if the connection request is personalized and interesting and I get a good vibe - I may also accept the connection, regardless of commercial opportunity. Just because I dig them. 

Here are some more tips on how you can build a quality LinkedIn community:

  1. MOST IMPORTANT - Personalise your connection requests and be upfront and authentic with why you are connecting. Make sure the recipient can see value in the connection.

  2. Remember to turn your Offline Network into your Online Network - Connect with all the people you have met, emailed, or phoned.

  3. Connect with ALL your clients - they are your biggest fans - they will 'high five' you and support your work.

  4. Connect with prospects and influencers of key decision-making 

  5. Connect with Authors and Influencers of interesting content. Again be upfront with why you are connecting - I am assuming it is because they are sharing insights/stories

Lastly don't miss these opportunities. Connect with potential clients, especially those that:

✅ have visited your profile

✅ have recently started to follow you

✅ have engaged with your posts (especially those that bothered to comment!)