QUICK TIPS: Things that DON'T Work Well on LinkedIn

Let’s talk about the things that DON'T WORK WELL on LinkedIn.

Here are some good ones that you need to know - list compiled by the @Lucy Bingle | LinkedIn Experts Team

1. Notify your employees - My team has tested this feature numerous times for clients and for ourselves - and guess what? It rarely works.
Our workaround - send an email to your team every time you share a post on your #LinkedIn company page - make sure you share the link and ask for some love ❤️.

2. Doing a LinkedIn Advertising Campaign when you don’t have an organic LinkedIn strategy.
Nope this won't work - you will be throwing your 💰at the wall. Your target audience need to see some presence on the platform.

3. Connecting with your target audience and then directly hitting them up with a meeting or worst still a sales pitch.
Fastest way to get disconnected.
This platform is all about building trust, sharing knowledge and demonstrating that you are a good egg.

4. Posting every day or worst still multiple times a day - You are spamming us!
I guarantee you, people will start to turn your notifications OFF or disconnect.
Our tip – Post from your personal page a couple of times a week and 2 or 3 times p/w on your company page - Remember, LinkedIn is not your only sales & marketing (or smarketing as we like to say 😉) channel to connect and engage. Spread the love - pick up the phone, email, use other socials - don't kill us on LinkedIn.

So stop and think about how you could do better on LinkedIn.
Need help - contact me.

Here’s our Brady Bunch pic - all smiles at yesterday’s team meeting 😊
(Ainslie Eisenhauer, Sarah Pfafflin, Rowan Menzies, Diana Frost, Nicole Costa, Agatha E. )

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