Mastering the LinkedIn Algorithm: Strategies for 2025 and the Power of Reposting

As we approach 2025, LinkedIn continues to evolve as the premier platform for professional networking and content sharing. At Lucy Bingle - LinkedIn Experts, we've observed significant shifts in how the LinkedIn algorithm operates, and we're excited to share our insights to help you maximise your presence on this dynamic platform.

Understanding the LinkedIn Algorithm

Unlike other social media platforms that prioritise virality, LinkedIn's algorithm is designed to connect users with highly relevant professional content. This unique approach requires a tailored strategy to effectively engage your network and expand your influence. Let's delve into the key aspects of the algorithm and how you can align your content strategy accordingly.

1. Professional Relevance is King

LinkedIn's primary focus is on delivering content that enhances professional growth and knowledge. The algorithm favours posts and articles that offer industry expertise, practical advice, and meaningful insights. To leverage this:

  • Share content that addresses current industry trends

  • Offer actionable tips and strategies

  • Relate personal experiences that provide valuable lessons for your network

2. Quality Engagement Over Quantity

While high engagement numbers are appealing, LinkedIn's algorithm places greater emphasis on the quality of interactions. Thoughtful discussions and contributions to professional growth are prioritised over posts that simply generate likes. To foster quality engagement:

  • Pose thought-provoking questions in your posts

  • Encourage your network to share their experiences and opinions

  • Respond to comments with insightful follow-ups to deepen the conversation

3. Optimising Content Formats

LinkedIn supports various content types, but recent algorithm updates show a preference for formats that deliver substantial value. Consider incorporating:

  • Long-form articles that dive deep into industry topics

  • Case studies showcasing real-world applications of your expertise

  • Data-driven analyses that provide unique insights into your field

  • Video is still super powerful, make sure it is part of your sales and marketing strategy

4. Consistency and Authenticity

Maintaining a consistent and authentic presence is crucial for algorithmic favourability. The key is to:

  • Develop a content calendar to ensure regular posting

  • Take a break of 18 hours between posts

  • Stay true to your professional voice and expertise

  • Share both successes and challenges to create a relatable narrative

5. Active Network Engagement

Your engagement with others' content significantly influences how the algorithm perceives your own posts.
To boost your visibility:

  • Regularly comment on posts within your network and industry

  • Make sure to respond to comments within the first 12 hours to keep your post growing

  • Participate in relevant LinkedIn groups and discussions

  • Share and add value to others' content

The Strategic Power of Reposting

One often overlooked tactic for optimising your LinkedIn presence is the strategic reposting of content. When executed thoughtfully, reposting can significantly enhance your visibility and engagement. Here's how to leverage this technique effectively:

1. Timing and Frequency

Repost valuable content at different times to reach users who might have missed it initially. However, it's crucial to strike a balance:

  • Space out reposts to avoid overwhelming your audience

  • Align reposting with peak activity times for your network

  • Use LinkedIn's analytics to identify optimal posting times

2. Adding New Perspectives

When reposting, add fresh insights or updates to the original content. This approach:

  • Provides additional value to your audience

  • Signals to the algorithm that the content is current and relevant

  • Demonstrates your evolving understanding of the topic

3. Engaging with New Interactions

Actively engage with any new comments or interactions on reposted content:

  • Respond promptly to comments to foster discussion

  • Use new interactions as an opportunity to expand on your original points

  • Tag relevant connections who might find value in the conversation

4. Look at the Analytics

Use LinkedIn's analytics tools to assess the performance of your reposted content:

  • Track engagement rates and audience reach

  • Compare performance metrics between original posts and reposts

  • Use these insights to refine your overall content strategy


As we look towards 2025, mastering the LinkedIn algorithm requires a nuanced understanding of professional relevance, quality engagement, and strategic content sharing. By focusing on these key areas and incorporating thoughtful reposting into your strategy, you can significantly enhance your visibility and impact on the platform.

Remember, success on LinkedIn isn't about gaming the system, but about consistently providing value to your professional community. By aligning your content with the platform's core principles and leveraging tools like strategic reposting, you'll be well-positioned to build a strong, influential presence on LinkedIn.

At Lucy Bingle - LinkedIn Marketing Experts, we're committed to helping professionals navigate these evolving trends and make the most of their LinkedIn presence.

Whether you're looking to enhance your personal professional brand or boost your company's profile, we're here to guide you through the intricacies of LinkedIn marketing.